Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Forgetting the What-Ifs...

I think back to the moment when I climbed on that plane in Phoenix, parka in hand, destined for Forks... If I had second guessed that one decision.... how different my life would have been.

Someone must have had a plan for me; fate, destiny, kismet, God... I'm not sure who was responsible. All I know is that something drew me to Forks at that moment in time... and it must have been the same something that put Edward there, in that inconsequential town, for me to find. *laughs thinking of a famous quote from Casablanca* So basically, I say with my best Bogie imitation, "Of all the high schools, in all the towns, in all the world, he had to walk into mine." And thankfully he did; but thankfully he did.

It petrifies me to think of the what-ifs. What if the Cullens had been in Denali when I arrived, living happily in the Alaskan wilderness? What if I had selfishly demanded that Renee stay in Phoenix rather than move off to Jacksonville with Phil? What if I had NEVER stumbled upon Edward Cullen? So many tiny incidents, little decisions, seemingly-insignificant moments brought me to him. Can I ever be thankful enough? And whom do I thank? If I knew, I would owe them everything. For Edward is my love, my life and all that I am for any life hereafter.

Edward and I may have run, headfirst, into obstacles in our short time together... obstacles that no two mortals could possibly have sustained. But we have always found our way back... back to each other's arms. I suppose I should STOP worrying and forget about the what-ifs altogether... apparently whatever road we are on, we were meant to travel together.

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